
Polish Chemical Society, active for over 100 years, besides gathering researchers working in chemistry is also an institution of public benefit, whose main aim is to support development of chemistry and popularization of this area of science.

The activities of PCS include:

·         Organization of seminars, conferences and scientific meetings,

·         Organization of public presentations, lectures and courses,

·         Publication of scientific journals and other specialistic papers related to the profile of activity of the Society,

·         Participation in international consortia publishing scientific papers,

·         Substantive support of the Olympic Games in Chemistry,

·         Establishing libraries and library collections,

·         Cooperation with scientific organizations for students,

·         Cooperation with research institutions and chemical industrial companies.

Polish Chemical Society is authorized to:

·         Bestow awards and distinctions for scientific achievements in chemistry and related areas,

·         Promote chemistry on the state and social fora,

·         Express opinions on issues important for development of chemical sciences and education in chemistry.

Polish Chemical Society together with the City of Warsaw runs the Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum in the house in which she was born in 1867.

Stworzono dla PTChem. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone

Administrator strony: Dr Joanna Drzeżdżon